Enabling Facebook 
To create a new application on facebook.com and enable Facebook Connect on your vBulletin installation, follow the steps in the two procedures below.

To create new application on facebook.com (Required for each vBulletin installation)
  1. Goto: https://developers.facebook.com/apps, and log in.
  2. Click Create New App (top-right).
  3. Enter an appropriate App Name, and click Continue.
  4. Do the Facebook Security Check, and click Submit.
  5. On the page that opens, click Web Site from the list on the bottom.
  6. In the Site URL input, enter the URL of the root for your vBulletin installation. This must be exactly the same as your Forum URL setting in AdminCP > Settings > Options > Site Name / URL / Contact Details > Forum URL.
  7. Click Save Changes.
  8. Make a note of the Application ID and Application Secret; you will need these to do the following procedure.
To enable Facebook Connect on your vBulletin installation
  1. Goto your vBulletin site, and log in to the Admin CP.
  2. Goto Settings > Options > Facebook Options, and click Edit Settings. For more information about the Facebook Options in vBulletin, see Facebook Options.
  3. Check Yes for Enable Facebook Connect.
  4. Enter the Application ID and Facebook Secret from the Facebook Developer page.
  5. Make whatever other option changes you want to.
  6. Click Save.
Facebook should now be enabled and working. Test it on your site to be sure.
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