Facebook Options 
Path to Facebook Options: Settings > Options > Facebook Options.

vBulletin supports Facebook Connect, a function that allows people to register and log in to your website using their Facebook credentials.

For Facebook Connect to work in vBulletin, you need to set the options (below), as well as set up a new application on the Facebook site and enable Facebook Connect on your vBulletin site. For instructions on how to do the latter two steps in the process, see Enabling Facebook Options.

Following are the vBulletin Facebook options.
You must click Save for changes to take effect.
Enable Facebook Platform (Yes/No)
Whether or not to allow users to connect their vBulletin account with their Facebook account.

Enabling this option populates your site with Open Graph metadata.
Users must have Javascript enabled and your server must support TLS/SSL communication for this feature to work.
Facebook Application ID
Application ID for your application (see https://www.facebook.com/developers for more information).

Facebook Secret
Facebook Secret for your application (see https://www.facebook.com/developers for more information).

Facebook Usergroup (default: None)
Secondary usergroup for Facebook users.

All users who connect with Facebook from this point on will be members of this usergroup. This will not be applied retroactively to users who have previously connected to Facebook.

Enable Auto-Register (Yes/No)
Whether or not to enable Auto-Register, which skips the registration form and registers through a simplified two-click process.

Using this feature disables Forum Rules Agreement, COPPA registration, email verification, and any custom required fields from the registration form.

Image URL
URL to an image that you want to represent your site.

The image appears next to published content in a user's news feed, and is used to represent your site in the Open Graph schema.

Leave this blank if you do not want to have an image.

Publish to Facebook - New Thread (Yes/No)
Whether or not to allow users to publish a notification to their Facebook wall when they start a new thread.

Publish to Facebook - Post Reply (Yes/No)
Whether or not to allow users to publish a notification to their Facebook wall when they reply to a thread.

Publish to Facebook - Blog Entry (Yes/No)
Whether or not to allow users to publish a notification to their Facebook wall when they post a new blog entry.

Publish to Facebook - Blog Comment (Yes/No)
Whether or not to allow users to publish a notification to their Facebook wall when they comment on a blog post.

Publish to Facebook - New Article (Yes/No)
Whether or not to allow users to publish a notification to their Facebook wall when they publish a CMS article.

Publish to Facebook - Article Comment (Yes/No)
Whether or not to allow users to publish a notification to their Facebook wall when they comment on a CMS article.

Like Button - Threads (Yes/No)
Whether or not to have a "Like" button appear on all threads, which allows users to "Like" individual threads.

Users do not have to have Facebook linked accounts to use this feature.

Like Button - Blog Entries (Yes/No)
Whether or not to have a "Like" button appear on all blog entries, which allows users to "Like" individual blog posts.

Users do not have to have Facebook linked accounts to use this feature.

Like Button - CMS Articles (Yes/No)
Whether or not to have a "Like" button appear on all CMS Articles, which allows users to "Like" individual CMS Articles.

Users do not have to have Facebook linked accounts to use this feature.

Import Facebook Data - Biography
User Profile Field into which you want to import Facebook biography data when users connect their accounts to Facebook.

Import Facebook Data - Location
User Profile Field into which you want to import Facebook location data when users connect their accounts to Facebook.

Import Facebook Data - Interests
User Profile Field into which you want to import Facebook interests data when users connect their accounts to Facebook.

Import Facebook Data - Occupation
User Profile Field into which you want to import Facebook occupation data when users connect their accounts to Facebook.
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