Adding and Editing Channel Permissions 
You add channel permissions using various vBulletin tools, which are described in the following topics: Permission Duplicating Tools, Permissions Quick Editor, and Quick Channel Permission Setup.

Path to viewing and editing channel permissions: Channel Management > Channel Permissions or Usergroups > Channel Permissions.

You view and edit channel permissions in the Edit Channel Permissions form of the Channel Permissions Manager.

<<<Insert a level-setting screenshot of the Channel Permissions Manager home screen.>>>

On this screen, all of your channels are listed. Beneath each channel, all of your usergroups are listed.

The color of each usergroup is significant. If the usergroup text is in white, it is using the default permissions for the usergroup. If the usergroup text is in red, it is using permissions customized for that channel. If it is in yellow, it is using custom permissions from a parent channel. The circle next to each usergroup name is also significant. A hollow circle means the usergroup cannot view the channel, while a full circle means they can.

To edit the permissions for any usergroup, or to revert them to default, click Edit next to the relevant group under the relevant channel.

You can Reset or Deny All usergroups within a channel as a group.

Other Channel Permissions Manager functions are linked from the Additional Functions form at the top of the page. There is detailed documentation for each (linked below).

The Permission Duplicator allows you to quickly duplicate an existing permission set between usergroups or between channels (see the Permission Duplicating Tools article).

You can also access the Permissions Quick Editor from here. The Quick Editor allows you to quickly revert permissions to default (see the Permissions Quick Editor article).

The last link at the top is Quick Channel Permissions Setup. You can use this to mass-apply permissions to multiple usergroups for a particular channel (see the Quick Channel Permission Setup article).

Following is information about viewing, adding and editing channel permissions.

<<<Insert a level-setting screenshot of only the View Channel Permissions form of the Channel Permissions Manager.>>>

All existing channels and their usergroups are listed on the form in a hierarchical format.

To edit the permissions for a given usergroup within a given channel, click the Edit link to the left of the usergroup name.
You must click Save for changes to take effect.
The edit screen of the Channel Permissions Manager opens.

<<<Insert a level-setting screenshot of a sample “edit” screen.>>>

The exact contents of the edit screen varies depending on which set of permissions is being displayed.

However, the options in the top form (Edit Channel Permissions for Usergroup x in Channel y) are always as follows:

Inherit from parent (this will delete any existing permissions)
To save any changes to this page, you must select "Use custom permissions" (see below). If you already have custom settings and want to set this usergroup back to its default, select "Use usergroup default" and click the [Save] button.
This option is not available unless you have already created custom settings.
If you have custom settings for this group and remove them as described above, any subchannels also revert if they do not have custom settings explicitly set.

Use Custom Permissions
If you intend to make changes to anything on the remainder of the page, click this option.

To set the Yes/No options on the rest of the screen to either all Yes or all No, click the All Yes or All No button.

Edit Channel Permissions Options

Time Limit for Editing Replies (hr) (default: 24)
This limits the amount of time a member of this usergroup has to edit a reply for the selected channel. After the entered time period a reply cannot be changed.

Require Moderation for Replies (Yes/No)
Any reply made by this group to any topic in the selected channel will require a moderator to approve it before it becomes visible to other users.

Maximum number of tags (default: 6)
This limits the number of tags members of the usergroup can apply to a topic in this channel.

Maximum tags for Starter Reply (default: 3)
This limits the number of tags members of the usergroup can apply to the first post of a topic.

Maximum Tags by Other Users (default: 3)
This limits the number of tags members of the usergroup can apply to a topic they did not start.

Maximum Attachments (default: 5)
This limits the number of attachments a topic can have.

Channel Permissions

Can View Channel (Yes/No)
If set to ‘No’, the rest of the settings on this screen are unused, because the user is denied access to the channel.

Can Move Own Topics (Yes/No)
If this is set to ‘Yes’, users can move their own topics between any channels to which they have access. We recommend leaving this set to ‘No’ and having your channel moderators move the topics or doing it yourself.

Can Download Attachments (Yes/No)
If this is set to ‘No’, users cannot download reply attachments from topics in this channel. The attachment link is still visible, but after clicking it users are told that they don't have permission to use it.

Can Upload Attachments (Yes/No)
If this is set to ‘No’, users cannot attach files to their replies. They can, however, still use the BB IMG code to show images if you have turned that on for this channel.

Can Tag Own Topics (Yes/No)
Whether or not members of the usergroup can add tags to their own topics within this channel.

Can Tag Others’ Topics (Yes/No)
Whether or not members of the usergroup can add tags to others' topics within this channel.

Can Delete Tags on Own Topics (Yes/No)
Whether or not members of the usergroup can delete tags from topics they started within this channel.

Can Use HTML (Yes/No)
This determines whether or not members of the usergroup can use HTML in their topics and replies.

Can Publish (Yes/No)
This determines whether or not members of the usergroup can publish articles.

Moderator Permissions

Can Edit Replies (Yes/No)
This allows members of the usergroup to edit replies in this channel.

Can Manage Topics (Yes/No)
This allows members of the usergroup to move, delete, sticky, and unsticky topics in the channel

Can Moderate Replies (Yes/No)
This allows members of the usergroup to moderate replies in the channel.

Can Moderate Attachments (Yes/No)
This allows members of the usergroup to moderate attachments in the channel.

Can Ban Users (Yes/No)
This allows members of the usergroup to ban other users from the channel.

Can remove replies (Yes/No)
This allows members of the usergroup to remove and delete replies from topics in the channel.

Can Set Featured (Yes/No)
This allows members of the usergroup to set articles in the channel as Featured content.

Can Moderate Tags (Yes/No)
This allows members of the usergroup to moderate tags in the channel.

Can add_owners (Yes/No)
This allows members of the usergroup to add a moderator to the social group or blog.

Create Permissions
This allows members of the usergroup to create permissions for other users in the channel.

Can create channel (Yes/No)
This allows members of the usegroup to create subchannels in the channel.

Can create text/reply (Yes/No)
This allows members of the usergroup to make replies to topics in the channel.

Can create report (Yes/No)
This allows members of the usergroup to create reports.

Can create photo gallery (Yes/No)
This allows members of the usergroup to create a photo gallery.

Can poll (Yes/No)
This allows members of the usergroup to post polls in the channel.

Can create attachment (Yes/No)
This allows members of the usergroup to post attachments in the channel.

Can create photo (Yes/No)
This allows members of the usergroup to post photos in the channel.

Can create private message (Yes/No)
This allows members of the usergroup to send private messages.

Can create video (Yes/No)
This allows members of the usergroup to post videos.

Can create link (Yes/No)
This allows members of the usergroup to use links in their posts.
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