vBulletin 5 Connect

Latest Version: 6.0.5

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Download vBulletin
vBulletin is available for download in the members area. You will need your vBulletin customer number and password to log in. If you have lost your login details, please click here.

Try out the full version of vBulletin
You can give the full version of vBulletin a test-run at the vBulletin Demo.

Test vBulletin

If you want to check you can run vBulletin on your server before you purchase a license, download this file. This script tests that your MySQL user has the appropriate permissions required and will involve the creation of one table which will be deleted when the test has been completed.

Unzip the file, so that you have a file named vb_test.php and upload it to your server. Then run the script in your browser; you will be required to enter your MySQL information.

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