The Common Templates Editor 
The Common Templates editor allows you to edit the most commonly-customized templates quickly on a single page rather than opening up the full template editor and modifying each one in turn individually.

The 'common' templates are:To customize a template, simply edit the template in the text box provided, then hit the [Save] button when you are finished.

When the page reloads, you will see that any customized templates are shown with their text in a different color to indicate its customized status.

You may revert to the default or inherited version of any template at any time by checking the Revert checkbox and clicking the [Save] button.

If a common template is being inherited from a customization made in a parent style, the text will be shown in a different color again to indicate this.

When a common template is shown to be inherited from a parent style, a hyperlink will be shown, which when clicked will tell you the name of the style from which the customization is being inherited.

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