Implementing the External Data Provider 
The External Data Provider is used to syndicate this information to external websites. This feature uses the permissions for the Unregisted / Not Logged In usergroup. If that usergroup doesn't have permissions to view the forum, the feeds will not work.

Below are examples on how you can control what is shown on these websites.

To syndicate in a Javascript format you would call the following URL from your external site. This will require additional javascript on the external site (an example is listed below).

Example Code:
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
for (i in threads)
document.writeln(threads[i].title + " (" + threads[i].poster + ")<br />");
The External Data Provider also gives alternative feeds in commonly used formats. These are useful if you have external readers or a script to read them already. These feeds are available in XML, RSS and RSS2 so it should fit a wide variety of readers. The system defaults to RSS so if you leave off the type, that is what you get.

The URLS to access these feeds are:
RSS 2.0 -

You can refine the listings by specifying forumids in the path. For multiple forums separate them with a comma. This will limit the feed to the specified forums only. (Below example uses xml as type, but it works with rss, rss2, and js too),2,3,4
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