Announcement Manager 
Path to Announcement Manager: Announcements > Announcement Manager

Announcements provide you with a way to distribute news and updates to your users. Announcements can be site-wide or channel-specific.

Each announcement displays its title, the user who created it, edit/delete controls, and its display time frame (how long it will be active).

The title of each announcement is displayed above the channel threads for as long as the announcement is active.

<<<Insert a screenshot of the Announcement Manager page.>>>

The Announcement Manager page is divided up into two sections. In the top section are global announcements, if any are posted. These announcements are displayed at the top of every channel.

To edit or delete a global announcement, click Edit or Delete.

To add a global announcement, click New.

For more information, see Adding and Editing Announcements.

The bottom part of the Announcement Manager page is divided into channel categories, which list current announcements by channel and provide links to pages where you can edit or delete them, as well as links to pages where you can create new announcements.

To edit or delete a channel-specific announcement, click Edit or Delete to the right of the channel for which you want to create an announcement.

To add a channel-specific announcement, click New to the right of a channel for which you want to create an announcement.

For more information, see Adding and Editing Announcements.
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