Path to Tags: Tagging > Tags.

A tag is a metadata keyword or term string attached to a content item. Once the tag is attached, it can be used in a search for content.

vBulletin tagging allows users to apply their own keywords (tags) to most content types. This allows users to categorize items based on their actual content.

Tags can contain any character except a comma, which is used to separate multiple tags. Additionally, you cannot add tags with the following characteristics.This page allows you to manage the existing tags:

By default, tags are shown alphabetically and paginated. If you want to see which tags have been added recently, you can click the Display Newest link.

Below this, you can add a new tag or control synonyms:

To add a new tag, type it into the text box and click Save.

You can manipulate synonyms by checking one or more tags in the tag list and then using the pulldown list to select one of:If you merge selected tags as synonyms, the tags will be merged with the new tag that you specify. The old tags will be considered synonyms of the new tag. Any content associations for the affected tags will be updated to use the new tag and synonyms will automatically replaced by the main tag when they are added to content items in the future. If the new tag does not already exist, it will be created.
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