Message Attachment Options 
Path to Message Attachment Options: Settings > Options > Message Attachment Options.

Following are the vBulletin options related to message attachments.
You must click Save for changes to take effect.
Limit Space Taken Up By Attachments (Total) (default: 0)
Maximum disk space (in bytes) that all attachments can occupy.

Set the option to ‘0’ for no space limit.

Attachments Per Reply (default: 5)
Number of files that can be attached to a single reply.

Set the option to ‘0’ for no attachment limit.

Attachment Upload Inputs (default: 1)
Number of attachment upload input boxes to be displayed on the upload form.

Attachment URL Inputs (default: 1)
Number of attachment URL input boxes to be displayed on the upload form.

Allow Deletion of Attachments Beyond Edit Time Limit (Yes/No)
Whether or not users can delete attachments, even if the reply edit time limit has been exceeded.

If you have attachment quotas enabled then you need to enable this option to allow users to delete attachments once they reach their quota. Users still need permission to edit replies in the channel for this to apply.

Allow Deletion of Attachments in Closed Topics (Yes/No)
Whether or not users can delete attachments from topics that are closed.

If you have attachment quotas enabled then you might need to enable this option to allow users to delete attachments once they reach their quota. Users still need permission to edit replies in the channel for this to apply.

If Allow Deletion of Attachments Beyond Edit Time Limit (above) is set to ‘No’, then this option applies only up to the edit time limit setting.

Allow Duplicate Attached Images (Yes/No)
Checks for attachments posted by the user who is making the reply.

Resize Images (Yes/No)
Authorizes the system to try to resize images that are larger than your maximum allowed dimensions or filesize.

The resize attempt might fail if the image is too large to be successfully processed or if the image type is not supported for resizing.

When this option is enabled, limit the Attachment Input options above to one; otherwise the uploading of multiple large images by one user could overburden your server resources.

View Attached Images Inline (default: Yes, display thumbnails)
Other choices are ‘No’; ‘Yes, full size’; and ‘Yes, full size, but only if the reply has only one attachment’.

If this option is set to any variant of ‘Yes’, you also need to set the Thumbnail Creation option (below) to a variant of ‘Yes’.

Set this to ‘No’ if you want to preserve bandwidth or server processor resources.

Thumbnail Creation (default: Yes)
Whether or not to all thumbnail creation.

Other choices are ‘No’; ‘Yes, with border’; ‘Yes, with dimensions’; and ‘Yes, with border and dimensions’.

If your version of PHP supports image functions, setting this option to ‘Yes’ enables the creation of thumbnails for images. This is the “master switch” to enable/disable thumbnail display.

Go to Attachments > Attachment Manager > Edit > Display to choose the image types to be thumbnailed.
You must rebuild the attachment thumbnails via Maintenance > Update Counters > Rebuild Attachment Thumbnails after changing this setting.
Thumbnail Size (default: 280)
Number representing the maximum height and width (in pixels) of the thumbnail.

The image will be resized so that the longest side is no larger than this setting.

If you are changing this value and have existing image attachments on your channels, you need to rebuild your thumbnails to update the existing attachments.

Thumbnail Quality (default: 75)
Number representing the quality of thumbnails of filetype JPG.

We recommend trying first 75. Other choices are ‘65’, ‘85’, and ‘95’.

Thumbnails Per Row (default: 5)
Number of thumbnails per line that you want to display on a user's reply, assuming you allow more than one attachment per reply.

This is an approximate number, depending on thumbnail size and browser width. It will only display as many thumbnails as possible without causing a horizontal slidebar.

Thumbnail Color (default: #000000)
Standard web color code for the border and label of the thumbnail.

Use Image Lightbox (default: Yes, Click)
Whether or not to use an image lightbox, and the action that will display the lightbox.

Other choices are ‘No’; ‘Yes, Hover’; and ‘Yes, Click or Hover’.

Use the lightbox for quick display of attached image thumbnails rather than instantly loading the full size image on a new page.

Asset Manager - Enable (default: Yes, Flash Upload by Default)
Whether or not to enable the vBulletin Asset Manager.

Other choices are ‘No’; and ‘Yes, Ajax Upload by Default’.

The asset manager is an enhanced interface for uploading files. It allows users to reuse their existing attachments. Some older browsers might have problems using the interface.

Users can also choose to disable the asset manager from within their profiles.

Asset Manager - Assets Per Page (default: 20)
Maximum number of assets to display before displaying page navigation.

This number must be at least ‘1’.

Advanced Insert Image Popup - Enable (Yes/No)
Whether or not to turn on the Advanced Insert Image dialog, which allows users to insert images from their computer or retrieve images referenced from a URL and store them locally.

Disabling this option displays the legacy URL attachment dialog.
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