Common Questions and Answers to vB3

Q1. My logo is off center, how do I fix this?

A1. Open your header template and find   and remove it.

Q2. I'm trying to add a second administrator and they don’t see all the options?

A2. You must edit config.php and place your userid, which is 1 if you installed the board. Then you will be able to edit and change the Administrator Permissions

Q3. How can I edit the text somewhere, such as the guest message?

A3. It’s most likely in the Language and Phrase manager. Search for it .

Q4. How do I revert all templates?

A4. AdminCP > Style Manager > Drop down > Revert all Templates.

Q5. How do I add a profile field into the postbit?

A5. All you need to do is note the field id and replace it for x in the example below, then place it into your Postbit or Postbit Legacy.
Example: $post[fieldX]

Q6. How do I configure IPN for subscriptions with paypal to work?


Q7. How to I turn on debug mode?

A7. Find in config.php
PHP Code:
// Prefix that all vBulletin cookies will have
// For example
$cookieprefix 'bb'
add under
PHP Code:
// Enable / Disable Debug mode
// 1 on. 0 off.
$debug '1'
Q8. If you are receiving a message like "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent "

A8. there is white space after ?> or before <?php

Q9. Where can I set Avatar / Profile Picture settings?

A9. This is now done on a per usergroup basis
AdminCP > Usergroups > Usergroup Manager > Click on go for the usergroup you want to assign Avatar / Profile Picture settings.
Edit Picture Uploading Permissions settings

Q10. How can I setup how many days / posts a user must have before they can get an avatar / profile picture / Personal Messages / be able to download attachments

A10. This is now accomplished by usergroup promotion and primary / secondary usergroups. AdminCP > Usergroups > Promotions

Q11. How Can I change my postbit to look like vBulletin 2

A11. ACP > vBulletin Options > Style & Language Settings * > Use Legacy (Vertical) Postbit Template > YES
*(RC2 and lower, it is in Thread Display Options (showthread) )

Q12. How can I store CSS as files?

A12. AdminCP > vBulletin Options > Style & Language Settings
Store CSS Stylesheets as Files?
Set to yes, make sure to chmod the clientscript/vbulletin_css folder to 777 before saving this option.

Q13. Help! I can’t login to the ACP and I can’t see the link to it any more either!

A13. Steps to recover

1. You need to go into phpmyadmin and change your usergroup id to 6

2. In config.php find

$superadministrators = '';

You need to add your userid to this value so it looks like this

$superadministrators = '1';

If you installed the board from scratch your userid 1.

Save your config.php

3. Point your browser to

Click on all yes and hit save

Hopefully this will help some of the common questions from continuing to appear!