Should I convert my tables to InnoDB?

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  • pjclas
    New Member
    • Aug 2012
    • 25
    • 4.2.X

    Should I convert my tables to InnoDB?

    I upgraded to vBulletin 5 from vB4 and at that time all the tables were installed as MyISAM. The tables are all still defined as MyISAM, but I've read for vB4 InnoDB is recommended. Should I be converting all my tables to InnoDB and is there anything special I need to be concerned with when I convert them?
  • Zachery
    Former vBulletin Support
    • Jul 2002
    • 59097

    Which tables are currently myISAM?


    • pjclas
      New Member
      • Aug 2012
      • 25
      • 4.2.X


      Now that you mention it, I do see some vB5 tables are indeed InnoDB. However, the following tables are MyISAM. Should any of them be converted?

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      I'm particularly concerned about the cache table because it grows nonstop to over 40G! I have to clear the System Cache on my site daily or I run out of hard disk space!


      • Zachery
        Former vBulletin Support
        • Jul 2002
        • 59097

        cache, cacheevent, datastore, user would be good choices.

        Disable the guest cache, that should help bring your cache table more inline.

        How big is your site?

        Also recommend upgrading to 5.1.2.

        Assuming you're on a dedicated server, we can probably discuss some other optimizations if you'd like we can start a ticket to get help with that.


        • pjclas
          New Member
          • Aug 2012
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          • 4.2.X

          Not sure how to answer how big my site is. It contains some user data that amounts to about 30G in size to track playstation trophies. The site is It is running in a dedicated cloud env on digitalocean. I didn't have the problem with the cache table until vb5 and all the writes are causing slowdowns. I'd very much appreciate any help so if a ticket would get me help I'm all for it! . I was holding off upgrading to 5.2 because I have made some customizations to the core code. I've written defects up and they've been accepted so I was waiting for that to upgrade unless there is a good reason to.


          • pjclas
            New Member
            • Aug 2012
            • 25
            • 4.2.X

            Originally posted by Zachery
            Assuming you're on a dedicated server, we can probably discuss some other optimizations if you'd like we can start a ticket to get help with that.
            I'd like to start a ticket as you suggest. I have to clear my system cache every morning to ensure the hard disk has room. And as I said, there is 40G of free space being sucked up by the caching. I do have a shoutbox and tapatalk plugins installed so perhaps they are causing this somehow. Either way, I need some help figuring out what's going on here. So how do I go about starting an appropriate ticket?


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