Sidebars are shown in the CMS, Forums and Blogs. These style variables control the global aspects of these sidebars. CMS Widgets also take their formatting from the Sidebar Style Variables.
sidebar_backgroundThis stylevar controls the background of sidebars.
sidebar_borderThis stylevar controls the border of sidebars.
sidebar_content_backgroundThis stylevar controls the background of sidebar contents.
sidebar_content_bevelThis stylevar controls the inner top border of sidebar contents.
sidebar_content_borderThis stylevar controls the border of sidebar contents.
sidebar_content_colorThis stylevar controls the text color of sidebar contents.
sidebar_content_fontSizeThis stylevar controls the font size of sidebar contents.
sidebar_content_link_colorThis stylevar controls the link color of sidebar contents.
sidebar_content_link_hover_colorThis stylevar controls the link hover color of sidebar contents.
sidebar_content_paddingThis stylevar controls the padding of sidebar contents.
sidebar_contentavatar_widthThis stylevar controls the width of sidebar content avatars.
sidebar_contentlist_separatorThis stylevar controls the line between different sidebar contents in the same block.
sidebar_contentseparator_backgroundThis stylevar controls the background of the sidebar block separator.
sidebar_contentseparator_heightThis stylevar controls the height of the sidebar block separator.
sidebar_header_colorThis stylevar controls the text color of sidebar block headers.
sidebar_header_fontSizeThis stylevar controls the font size of sidebar block headers.
sidebar_header_link_colorThis stylevar controls the link color of sidebar block headers.
sidebar_postbit_header_fontThis stylevar controls the font of sidebar content titles.
sidebar_postbit_small_fontSizeThis stylevar controls the font size of sidebar content details.
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