Uploading a Style 
If you have downloaded a vBulletin 3 XML style file from another vBulletin installation, or if you want to restore a style backup that you made yourself, you will have need of the vBulletin 3 Style Importer.

This system will read an XML file, convert the data inside it into StyleVars, CSS, Replacement Variables and Templates and write the data into your database.

Either Upload XML File from your computerIf the XML style file you want to import is located on your own computer, use this control to find the file and upload it.
Or Import XML file from your serverIf the XML style file you want to import is located on your web server, enter the file path to the file here.
Merge Into StyleIf you are restoring a style backup, you will probably want to import the XML file over the top of the style of which it is a backup. To do this, select the style you want to merge into from the list provided. If no style is chosen from the list, a new style will be created and the data in the XML file will be imported into this style.
Ignore Style VersionWhen a style file is downloaded from vBulletin, the version number of the vBulletin exporting the file is included. If the version number included in the style file you are importing does not match the version number of the vBulletin doing the import a warning will be shown to alert you to possible incompatabilities. If you are confident that no errors will occur as a result of importing a style from a different version of vBulletin, use this control to force vBulletin to accept the file regardless of the stored version number.
Title for Uploaded StyleIf you chose to create a new style rather than overwrite an existing style, vBulletin will use the style title included in the XML file as the title for the new style unless you specify an alternative title using this control.
Parent Style / Display Order / Allow User SelectionThese controls are only applicable when creating a new style rather than overwriting an existing style. Their function is identical to that described in the section dealing with adding a new style.
XML style files can not contain image files, so no images will be imported when using this system. If the style you are importing requires special images, you will need to upload them to your web server using an FTP client.
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