Installing Sphinx on Windows 
Important: Sphinx is mainly used on UNIX based systems. We are providing instructions for Windows for development and testing purposes. We cannot guarantee that it will work in a live environment.
Install Sphinx
1Sphinx is available through its official Web site at
2Download the sphinx package (minimum version is 2.1.1-beta), extract the content and follow the instructions in the doc/sphinx.txt
Note the installation folder and replace below with it where it says <shpinx_root>. Do not add the trailing slash.
3Do not install the service yet!
4If you installed the service, run the following commands from the Command line:
net stop SphinxSearch
<shpinx_root>\bin\searchd --delete --servicename SphinxSearch
5Make sure the following directories are created in your sphinx install (<shpinx_root>): log & data. Using the command line:
mkdir <shpinx_root>\log
mkdir <shpinx_root>\data
Configure Sphinx for vBulletin
1Upload the contents of the upload folder to the vbulletin root directory.
2At the end of your vBulletin core/includes/config.php file, add the following:
 * Sphinx configuration parameters
$config['Misc']['sphinx_host']        = '';
$config['Misc']['sphinx_port']        = '9306';
$config['Misc']['sphinx_path']        = '<shpinx_root>'; //no trailing slash
$config['Misc']['sphinx_config']    = $config['Misc']['sphinx_path'] . '/etc/vbulletin_sphinx.conf';
3Upload vbulletin-sphinx.php to <shpinx_root>/etc/
4Edit <shpinx_root>/etc/vbulletin-sphinx.php and update the path in the $myforumroot variable to your vbulletin root
5Run the following command in a console (cmd) to generate a sphinx config file based on your board:
php <shpinx_root>\etc\vbulletin-sphinx.php > <shpinx_root>\etc\vbulletin_sphinx.conf
6Install the service by running this in a command line as administrator:
<shpinx_root>\bin\searchd --install --config <shpinx_root>etc\vbulletin_sphinx.conf --servicename SphinxSearch
7Start the service by running:
net start SphinxSearch
8Go to your AdminCP->Options->Search Type. In the drop down, select Sphinx Search, then hit go.
That is it! Sphinx should now be working correctly on your board.
Note: Do not upload your vbulletin-sphinx.php to a web accessible URL. Doing so would give away your database details. If you follow these exact instructions, it will not be in a web accessible URL.
If you adjust any of your config.php credentials you will need to restart your Sphinx daemon.
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