vBulletin Style Variables

Stylevar ID Datatype Color Color Value Title Description
activity_stream_avatar_borderborder  #DFDFDF Activity Stream Avatar Border Controls the border width, style, and color for avatars in the activity stream.
announcement_backgroundbackground  #F7F9EB Announcement Background Controls the background color and image of announcements within the topic list on forum display.
announcement_borderborder  #C6CD9F Announcement Border Controls the border color, style, and width of announcements within the topic list on forum display.
announcement_text_colorcolor  #252C2F Announcement Text Color Controls the text color for announcements within the topic list on forum display.
autosuggest_backgroundbackground  #EEEEEE Autosuggest Background Controls the background color and image for the global autosuggest dropdown menu.
bbcode_code_backgroundbackground  #EEEEEE Bbcode [code] Background Controls the background color and image for the Bbcode [code] display.
bbcode_code_borderborder  #C9CED2 Bbcode [code] Border Controls the border width, style, and color for the Bbcode [code] display.
bbcode_code_fontsizesize N/A BBCode [code] Font Size This stylevar controls the size of BBCode [code] font.
bbcode_code_line_heightsize N/A BBCode [code] Line Height Controls the line height for bbcode [code] blocks. This needs to be set as a pixel line height (set units to px) for the block height calculation to work correctly.
bbcode_quote_backgroundbackground  #EEEEEE Bbcode [quote] Background Controls the background color and image for the Bbcode [quote] display.
body_backgroundbackground  #E3E3E3 Body Background Controls the background color and image of the content frame's background.
body_fontfont N/A Body Font Controls the base font family, style, and line height for text.
body_line_heightsize N/A Body Line Height Controls the base line height for text.
body_link_colorcolor  #2379B5 Body Link Color Controls the text color for links.
body_link_color_hovercolor  #1C6191 Body Link Color Hover Controls the text color for links when the mouse is over them.
body_link_decorationtextdecoration N/A Body Link Decoration Controls the text decoration for links.
body_link_decoration_hovertextdecoration N/A Body Link Decoration Hover Controls the text decoration for links when the mouse is over them.
body_text_colorcolor  #252C2F Body Text Color Controls the general default text color for the site.
breadcrumb_backgroundbackground N/Atransparent Breadcrumb Background Controls the background image and color for the breadcrumbs area.
breadcrumb_fontfont N/A Breadcrumb Font Controls the font family, size, and style for the breadcrumb area.
breadcrumb_link_colorcolor  #2A2E35 Breadcrumb Link Color Controls the color for links in the breadcrumb area.
breadcrumb_text_colorcolor  #9E9D9D Breadcrumb Text Color Controls the text color for the breadcrumbs area.
button_arrow_backgroundbackground  #FFFFFF Button Arrow Background Controls the background color and image for the small arrow buttons, for example the pagination buttons for comments.
button_arrow_borderborder  #C8CCCE Button Arrow Border Controls the border width, style, and color for the small arrow buttons, for example the comment pagination buttons.
button_disabled_backgroundbackground  #FBFBFB Button Disabled Background Controls the background color and image for disabled buttons.
button_disabled_borderborder  #C8CCCE Button Disabled Border Controls the border width, style, and color for disabled buttons.
button_disabled_text_colorcolor  #ADADAD Button Disabled Text Color Controls the text color for disabled buttons.
button_primary_backgroundbackground  #37ACFE Button Primary Background Controls the background color and image for primary buttons.
button_primary_background_hoverbackground  #37ACFE Button Primary Background Hover Controls the background color and image for primary buttons when the mouse is over them.
button_primary_borderborder  #2989CC Button Primary Border Controls the border width, style, and color for primary buttons.
button_primary_border_hoverborder  #002F50 Button Primary Border Hover Controls the border width, style, and color for primary buttons when the mouse is over them.
button_primary_light_backgroundbackground  #D5E8EE Button Primary Light Background Controls the background color and image for primary light buttons.
button_primary_light_borderborder  #AEB3B6 Button Primary Light Border Controls the border width, style, and color for primary light buttons.
button_primary_light_border_hoverborder  #858C90 Button Primary Light Border Hover Controls the border width, style, and color for primary light buttons when the mouse is over them.
button_primary_light_text_colorcolor  #252C2F Button Primary Light Text Color Controls the text color for primary light buttons.
button_primary_text_colorcolor  #FFFFFF Button Primary Text Color Controls the text color for primary buttons.
button_primary_text_color_hovercolor  #FFFFFF Button Primary Text Color Hover Controls the text color for primary buttons when the mouse is over them.
button_secondary_backgroundbackground  #FFFFFF Button Secondary Background Controls the background color and image for secondary buttons.
button_secondary_borderborder  #BFC5C9 Button Secondary Border Controls the border width, style, and color for secondary buttons.
button_secondary_border_hoverborder  #858C90 Button Secondary Border Hover Controls the border width, style, and color for secondary buttons when the mouse is over them.
button_secondary_text_colorcolor  #252C2F Button Secondary Text Color Controls the text color for secondary buttons.
button_special_backgroundbackground  #F6DBB2 Button Special Background Controls the background color and image for special buttons.
button_special_borderborder  #BFC5C9 Button Special Border Controls the border width, style, and color for special buttons.
button_special_border_hoverborder  #858C90 Button Special Border Hover Controls the border width, style, and color for special buttons when the mouse is over them.
button_special_text_colorcolor  #252C2F Button Special Text Color Controls the text color for special buttons.
comment_backgroundbackground  #F0F0F0 Comment Background Controls the background color and image for comments.
comment_divider_colorcolor  #D5D8DA Comment Divider Color Controls the color for the divider between comments.
contententry_autosave_backgroundbackground  #fcf1ae Content Entry Auto Save Notice Background Color of the background of the Auto Save notice popup
contententry_autosave_text_colorcolor  #000000 Content Entry Auto Save Notice Text Color Color of the Text of the Auto Save notice popup
contententry_panel_backgroundbackground  #F8F8F8 Content Entry Panel Background Controls the background color and image for the panels in the content entry interface.
contententry_panel_section_backgroundbackground  #FCFCFC Content Entry Panel Section Background Controls the background color and image for the content entry panel sections.
contententry_panel_section_title_backgroundbackground  #E9E9E9 Content Entry Panel Section Title Background Controls the background color and image for the content entry panel section titles.
contententry_toolbar_backgroundbackground  #F3F9FB Content Entry Toolbar Background Control the background color for the content entry toolbar.
contententry_toolbar_button_secondary_backgroundbackground  #E1E6E9 Content Entry Toolbar Button Secondary Background Controls the background color and image for the secondary content entry toolbar buttons.
contententry_toolbar_button_secondary_background_activebackground  #E1E6E9 Content Entry Toolbar Button Secondary Background Active Controls the background color and image for the secondary content entry toolbar buttons when active.
contententry_toolbar_button_secondary_borderborder  #A7ABAE Content Entry Toolbar Button Secondary Border Controls the border color style and width for the secondary content entry toolbar buttons.
content_backgroundbackground N/Atransparent Content Background Controls the background image and color for the main content area from below the breadcrumbs to the footer.
content_divider_colorcolor  #B7BCBE MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
content_entry_box_header_text_colorcolor  #252C2F Content Entry box header text color Controls the text color of the content entry box header
diff_add_backgroundbackground  #CCFFCC Post Editor History Added Text Background This stylevar controls the background of added text in the post edit history.
diff_add_colorcolor  #009900 Post Editor History Added Text Color This stylevar controls the text color of added text in the post edit history.
diff_remove_backgroundbackground  #FFCCCC Post Editor History Removed Text Background This stylevar controls the background of removed text in the post edit history.
diff_remove_colorcolor  #CC0000 Post Editor History Removed Text Color This stylevar controls the text color of removed text in the post edit history.
faviconurl N/A Favicon File Path This stylevar controls the file path of the favicon. The favicon is the small image displayed in the browser address bar and near browser page title.
footer_backgroundbackground  #052733 Footer Bar Background Controls the background color and image for the footer bar.
footer_borderborder  #C2C2C2 Footer Border Controls the border width, style, and color for the top border on the footer block.
footer_copyright_text_colorcolor  #272727 Footer Copyright Text Color Controls the text color for the footer copyright text.
footer_font_stylefont N/A Footer Font Style Controls the font family, size, and style for the footer.
footer_heightsize N/A Footer Height Controls the height of the footer bar.
footer_list_item_colorcolor  #D2D2D2 Footer List Item Color Controls the text color for the footer links.
footer_list_item_color_hovercolor N/A Footer List Item Color Hover Controls the text color for the footer links when the mouse is over them.
footer_list_item_divider_colorcolor  #C2C2C2 Footer List Item Divider Color Controls the divider color between footer links.
footer_list_item_spacingsize N/A Footer List Item Spacing Controls the spacing between the footer links.
footer_list_item_text_decorationtextdecoration N/A Footer List Item Text Decoration Controls the text decoration for the footer links.
footer_list_item_text_decoration_hovertextdecoration N/A Footer List Item Text Decoration Hover Controls the text decoration for the footer links when the mouse is over them.
form_backgroundbackground  #FFFFFF Form Background Controls the background color and image for forms.
form_borderborder  #C8CCCE Form Border Controls the border width, style, and color for forms.
form_dropdown_backgroundbackground  #FFFFFF Form Dropdown Background Controls the background color and image Controls the border width, style, and color for the dropdown (select) elements in forms.
form_dropdown_background_hoverbackground  #EBEBEB Form Dropdown Background Hover Controls the background color and image for the dropdown (select) elements in forms when the mouse is over them.
form_dropdown_borderborder  #C8CCCE Form Dropdown Border Controls the border width, style, and color for the dropdown (select) elements in forms.
form_dropdown_text_colorcolor  #252C2F Form Dropdown Text Color Controls the text color for the dropdown (select) elements in forms.
form_dropdown_text_color_hovercolor  #000000 Form Dropdown Text Color Hover Controls the text color for the dropdown (select) elements in forms when the mouse is over them.
form_field_backgroundbackground  #FFFFFF Form Field Background Controls the background color and image for form fields.
form_field_borderborder  #AEB3B6 Filter Field Border Controls the border width, style, and color for the input fields in forms.
form_field_text_colorcolor  #000000 Form Field Text Color Controls the text color in form fields.
header_backgroundbackground  #E3E3E3 Header Background Controls the background color and image for the header area.
header_heightsize N/A Header Height Controls the height of the header area below the Sitebuilder Navigation menu and above the main navigation tabs.
header_search_button_backgroundbackground  #FBFBFB Header Search Button Background Controls the background color and image for the search button in the header.
header_search_button_borderborder  #C8CCCE Header Search Button Border Controls the border width, style, and color for search button in the header.
header_search_button_text_colorcolor  #4D5355 Header Search Button Text Color Controls the text color for the search button in the header.
header_search_input_backgroundbackground  #FFFFFF Header Search Input Background Controls the background color and image for the search box in the header.
header_search_input_borderborder  #BDBDBD Header Search Input Border Controls the border width, style, and color for search box in the header.
header_search_input_text_colorcolor  #252C2F Header Search Input Text Color Controls the text color for the search box in the header.
header_search_placeholder_text_colorcolor  #727272 Header Search Placeholder Text Color Controls the text color for the placeholder text in the search box in the header
header_subtabbar_backgroundbackground N/Atransparent Header Subtabbar Background Controls the background color and image for the sub navigation links under the tabs in the header area.
header_subtabbar_borderborder  #D3D5D6 Header Subtabbar Border Controls the border width, style, and color for the sub navigation links under the tabs in the header area.
header_subtabbar_fontfont N/A Header Subtabbar Font Controls the font family, size, and style for the sub navigation links under the main navigation tabs in the header area.
header_subtabbar_heightsize N/A Header Subtabbar Height Controls the height of the sub navigation bar under the main navigation tabs in the header area.
header_subtabbar_link_marginmargin N/A Header Subtabbar Link Margin Controls the margin size around the sub navigation links under the main navigation tabs in the header area.
header_subtabbar_text_colorcolor  #13242F Header Subtabbar Text Color Controls the text color for the links under the tabs in the header area.
header_subtabbar_text_color_hovercolor  #2379B5 Header Subtabbar Text Color Hover Controls the text color for the links under the tabs in the header area when the mouse is over them.
header_subtabbar_text_decorationtextdecoration N/A Header Subtabbar Text Decoration Controls the text decoration for the sub navigation links under the main navigation tabs in the header area.
header_subtabbar_text_decoration_hovertextdecoration N/A Header Subtabbar Text Decoration Hover Controls the text decoration for the sub navigation links under the main navigation tabs in the header area when the mouse is over them.
header_tabbar_backgroundbackground  #033145 Header Tabbar Background Controls the background color and image for the navigation tabs area in the header.
header_tabbar_borderborder  #C4C7C8 Header Tabbar Border Controls the border width, style, and color for the header tabbar.
header_tab_backgroundbackground  #033145 Header Tab Background Controls the background color and image for the navigation tabs in the header area.
header_tab_background_activebackground  #FFFFFF Header Tab Background Active Controls the background color and image for the navigation tabs in the header area, for the currently selected tab.
header_tab_background_hoverbackground  #2379B5 Header Tab Background Hover Controls the background color for the navigation tabs in the header area when the mouse is over them.
header_tab_border_activeborder  #C4C7C8 Header Tab Border Active Controls the border width, style, and color for the currently selected tab in the navigation tabs in the header.
header_tab_border_radius_sizesize N/A Header Tab Border Radius Size Controls the size of the curved corners on the main navigation tabs in the header area.
header_tab_fontfont N/A Header Tab Font Controls the font family, size, and style for the main navigation tabs in the header area.
header_tab_font_activefont N/A Header Tab Font Active Controls the font family, size, and style for the main navigation tabs in the header area in their active state.
header_tab_heightsize N/A Header Tab Height Controls the height of the main navigation tabs in the header area.
header_tab_line_heightsize N/A Header Tab Line Height Controls the line height of the main navigation tabs in the header area.
header_tab_paddingpadding N/A Header Tab Padding Controls the padding size around the text in the main navigation tabs in the header area.
header_tab_text_colorcolor  #FFFFFF Header Tab Text Color Controls the text color for the navigation tabs in the header area.
header_tab_text_color_activecolor  #13242F Header Tab Text Color Active Controls the text color for a header navigation tab, when it is currently selected.
header_tab_text_color_hovercolor  #FFFFFF Header Tab Text Color Hover Controls the text color for header navigation tabs when the mouse is over them.
header_tab_text_decorationtextdecoration N/A Header Tab Text Decoration Controls the text decoration for the text in main navigation tabs in the header area.
header_tab_text_decoration_activetextdecoration N/A Header Tab Text Decoration Active Controls the text decoration for the text in main navigation tabs in the header area when the tab is selected or active.
header_tab_text_decoration_hovertextdecoration N/A Header Tab Text Decoration Hover Controls the text decoration for the text in main navigation tabs in the header area when the mouse is over the tab.
header_text_colorcolor  #F1F1F1 Header Text Color Controls the text color for any text in the header.
imgdir_buttonimagedir N/A Button Image Directory MISSING PHRASE
imgdir_miscimagedir N/A Misc Images Directory MISSING PHRASE
imgdir_statusiconimagedir N/A Item Status Icon Folder MISSING PHRASE
inline_edit_backgroundbackground  #2F3842 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
inline_edit_button_borderborder  #94B357 Inline edit button border MISSING PHRASE
inline_edit_button_disabled_text_colorcolor  #717B82 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
inline_edit_button_divider_left_colorcolor  #2A333C MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
inline_edit_button_divider_right_colorcolor  #0E1317 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
inline_edit_button_flat_text_colorcolor  #F4F6F8 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
inline_edit_button_primary_text_colorcolor  #2C3C12 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
inline_edit_button_secondary_text_colorcolor  #323B44 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
inline_edit_field_borderborder  #1C242B Inline edit field border MISSING PHRASE
inline_edit_folder_active_colorcolor  #E1E7EE MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
inline_edit_folder_inner_highlight_colorcolor  #393C40 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
inline_edit_folder_text_color_active_hovercolor  #7A828B MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
inline_edit_form_text_colorcolor  #000000 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
inline_edit_header_body_text_colorcolor  #D3D8E2 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
inline_edit_header_line_bottom_colorcolor  #21282F MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
inline_edit_header_line_top_colorcolor  #353E47 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
inline_edit_module_title_text_colorcolor  #4DCDFF MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
inline_edit_popup_comment_line_colorcolor  #3B444D MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
inline_edit_search_bar_backgroundbackground  #5C636B MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
inline_edit_search_bar_background_activebackground  #ECECEC MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
inline_edit_search_bar_background_hoverbackground  #979B9F MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
inline_edit_search_bar_text_colorcolor  #AAAEB2 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
inline_edit_search_text_active_colorcolor  #222B34 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
inline_edit_subheader_text_colorcolor  #F0FDCF MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
list_item_backgroundbackground  #FFF List item background MISSING PHRASE
main_nav_admin_bar_backgroundbackground  #F1EFF0 Main Navigation Admin Bar Background Controls the background color and image for the main navigation admin bar.
main_nav_admin_bar_bottom_line_backgroundbackground N/A Main Navigation Admin Bar Bottom Line Background This controls the background image and color for the bar directly undernearth the Sitebuilder menu bar.
main_nav_admin_bar_bottom_line_heightsize N/A Main Navigation Admin Bar Bottom Line Height This controls the height for the bar directly undernearth the Sitebuilder menu bar.
main_nav_admin_bar_divider_left_colorcolor  #C7C8C9 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
main_nav_admin_bar_divider_right_colorcolor  #FAFAFA MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
main_nav_admin_bar_text_colorcolor  #4D5355 Main Navigation Admin Bar Text Color Controls the text color for the sitebuilder admin navigation bar.
main_nav_admin_bar_text_color_hovercolor  #000000 Main Navigation Admin Bar Text Color (Hover) Controls the text color for the sitebuilder admin navigation bar when mouse pointer is over them.
main_nav_admin_bar_text_disabled_colorcolor  #8E8E8E Main Navigation Admin Bar Text Color (Disabled) Controls the text color for the sitebuilder admin navigation bar for disabled elements.
main_nav_button_borderborder  #AEAEAE Main Nav Button Border Controls the border width, style, and color for the buttons in the sitebuilder admin navigation bar.
main_nav_login_error_field_backgroundbackground  #FFE0E0 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
main_nav_login_error_text_colorcolor  #D30000 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
module_contentslider_backgroundbackground  #FFFFFF Content Slider Module Background Controls the default background image and color for the Content Slider module. This background is used when the content being displayed does not have an attached preview image. The "contentslider_default_background.png" image is partially transparent, so you can simply change the color and it will affect the image color.
module_contentslider_borderborder  #CCD1D5 Content Slider Module Border Controls the border width, style, and color for the Content Slider module.
module_contentslider_heightsize N/A Content Slider Module Height Controls the height of the Content Slider module.
module_content_backgroundbackground  #F8F8F8 Module Content Background Controls the background color and image for module content areas.
module_content_borderborder  #CCD1D5 Module Content Border Controls the border width, style, and color for the content area of modules.
module_header_backgroundbackground  #F8F8F8 Module Header Background Controls the background color and image for module headers.
module_header_borderborder  #A2AEB3 Module Header Border Controls the border width, style, and color for module headers.
module_header_fontfont N/A Module Header Font Controls the font for module headers.
module_header_text_colorcolor  #000000 Module Header Text Color Controls the text color for module headers.
module_search_list_item_borderborder  #8D9295 Search module item border Defines the border of the items inside the search module
module_tabbar_border_radius_sizesize N/A Module Tabbar Border Radius Size Controls the size of the curved corners on the containing element for the module tabs.
module_tab_backgroundbackground  #F9F9F9 Module Tab Background Controls the background color and image for module tabs.
module_tab_background_activebackground  #FFFFFF Module Tab Background Active Controls the background color and image for the currently selected module tab.
module_tab_borderborder  #C9CED2 Module Tab Border Controls the border width, style, and color for tabs in modules.
module_tab_border_activeborder  #C9CED2 Module Tab Border Active Controls the border width, style, and color for the currently selected tab in modules.
module_tab_border_radius_sizesize N/A Module Tab Border Radius Size Controls the size of the curved corners on module tabs.
module_tab_fontfont N/A Module Tab Font Controls the font family, size, and style for module tabs.
module_tab_heightsize N/A Module Tab Height Controls the height for the module tabs.
module_tab_text_colorcolor  #838789 Module Tab Text Color Controls the text color for inactive module tabs.
module_tab_text_color_activecolor  #343A3D Module Tab Text Color Active Controls the text color for the currently selected module tab.
module_tab_text_color_hovercolor  #343A3D Module Tab Text Color Hover Controls the text color for inactive module tabs when the mouse is over them.
module_tab_text_decorationtextdecoration N/A Module Tab Text Decoration Controls the text decoration for module tabs.
module_tab_text_decoration_activetextdecoration N/A Module Tab Text Decoration Active Controls the text decoration for module tabs when they are selected or active.
module_tab_text_decoration_hovertextdecoration N/A Module Tab Text Decoration Hover Controls the text decoration for module tabs when the mouse is over them.
notice_backgroundbackground  #FCF7D7 Notice Background Controls the background color and image for notices.
notice_borderborder  #E1D47E Notice Border Controls the border width, style, and color for notices.
notice_text_colorcolor  #252C2F Notice Text Color Controls the text color for notices.
no_content_backgroundbackground  #FFFFFF No Content Background Controls the background color and image for the "no content" message in modules.
pagination_nextprev_divider_left_colorcolor  #CDD1D4 "Previous" button border color Controls the border color for "previous" navigation button
pagination_nextprev_divider_right_colorcolor  #CDD1D4 "Next" button border color Controls the border color for "next" navigation button
photo_backgroundbackground  #1D2428 Photo Background Controls the background color and image for photos.
photo_borderborder  #C2C8CC Photo Border Controls the border width, style, and color for photos.
photo_border_hoverborder  #858C90 Photo Border Hover Controls the border width, style, and color for photos when the mouse is over them.
photo_preview_backgroundbackground  #FFFFFF Photo Preview Background Controls the background color and image for the photo preview area.
photo_preview_borderborder  #C8CCCE Photo Preview Border Controls the border width, style, and color for the photo preview area.
placeholder_text_colorcolor  #556065 Placeholder Text Color Controls the text color for the placeholder text in form inputs and text areas.
poll_result_borderborder  #E9E9E9 Poll Result Border Controls the border width, style, and color for poll result bars.
poll_result_color_01color  #96C100 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
poll_result_color_02color  #F7AE00 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
poll_result_color_03color  #D72424 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
poll_result_color_04color  #3A8DE8 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
poll_result_color_05color  #9453A4 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
poll_result_color_06color  #E7501D MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
poll_result_color_07color  #47D6DC MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
poll_result_color_08color  #4BA12A MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
poll_result_color_09color  #9A82DF MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
poll_result_color_10color  #F7DD00 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
poll_result_color_11color  #45B7FF MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
poll_result_color_12color  #F545FF MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
poll_result_percentage_backgroundbackground  #FFFFFF Poll result percentage background Controls the background of the percentage number in poll results
poll_result_vote_count_textcolor  #FFFFFF Poll results vote count text Controls the colour of the text displaying the vote count
popup_backgroundbackground  #FFFFFF Popup Background Controls the background color and image for popups.
popup_borderborder  #CACED2 Popup Border Controls the border width, style, and color for popups.
popup_header_backgroundbackground N/Atransparent Popup Header Background Controls the background color and image of popup headers.
popup_header_text_colorcolor N/Ainherit Popup Header Text Color Controls the text color of popup headers.
popup_overlay_backgroundbackground  #000000 Popup Overlay Background Controls the background color and image for the overlay behind popups.
postbit_backgroundbackground  #C8CCCE Postbit Background Controls the background color and image for the user information area of posts.
postbit_deleted_backgroundbackground  #E9D1D0 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
postbit_unapproved_backgroundbackground  #E2F0CE Postbit Unapproved Background The background color to show for unapproved posts
post_borderborder  #C8CCCE Post Border Controls the border width, style, and color for the content area of posts.
post_controls_divider_colorcolor  #B7BCBE MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
post_controls_quote_active_text_colorcolor  #FF7800 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
post_controls_text_colorcolor  #696969 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
post_controls_votes_borderborder  #D1CCCC Post Controls Votes Border Controls the border width, style, and color for votes in the post controls area.
post_deleted_borderborder  #E9D1D0 Post Deleted Border Controls the border width, style, and color for the deleted message that shows for deleted posts.
post_username_colorcolor  #2379B5 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
post_user_info_colorcolor  #252C2F MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
primary_module_backgroundbackground N/Atransparent Primary Module Background Controls the background color and image for the primary modules.
primary_module_borderborder  #C8CCCE Primary Module Border Controls the border width, style, and color for the primary module.
primary_module_header_backgroundbackground N/Atransparent Primary Module Header Background Controls the background color and image for primary module headers.
primary_module_header_fontfont N/A Primary Module Header Font Controls the font for primary module headers.
primary_module_header_text_colorcolor  #000000 Primary Module Header Text Color Controls the text color for primary module headers.
primary_module_subheader_backgroundbackground  #F0F0F0 Primary Module Subheader Background Controls the background color and image for primary module subheaders.
primary_module_subheader_borderborder  #C9CED2 Primary Module Subheader Border Controls the border width, style, and color for primary module subheaders.
primary_module_subheader_text_colorcolor  #09161B Primary Module Subheader Text Color Controls the text color for primary module subheaders.
private_messages_mark_as_unread_backgroundbackground  #ECF7FA MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
profcustom_navbarbuttonsecondary_backgroundbackground  #FBFBFB Profile Navbar Secondary Button Background MISSING PHRASE
profcustom_navbarbuttonsecondary_bordercolor  #BFC5C9 Profile Navbar Secondary Button Border MISSING PHRASE
profcustom_navbarbuttonsecondary_colorcolor  #343A3d Profile Navbar Secondary Button Text Color MISSING PHRASE
profcustom_navbarbutton_backgroundbackground  #BFC5C9 Profile Navbar Button Background MISSING PHRASE
profcustom_navbarbutton_bordercolor  #BFC5C9 Profile Navbar Button Border MISSING PHRASE
profcustom_navbarbutton_colorcolor  #343A3d Profile Navbar Button Text Color MISSING PHRASE
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profcustom_navbar_toolbar_text_colorcolor  #09161B MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
profilesidebar_button_backgroundbackground  #2989CC Profile Sidebar Button Background MISSING PHRASE
profilesidebar_button_borderborder  #2989CC Profile Sidebar Button Border Color MISSING PHRASE
profilesidebar_button_text_colorcolor  #FFFFFF Profile Sidebar Button Text Color FFFFFF
profilesidebar_count_text_colorcolor  #2989CC Profile Sidebar Count Text Color MISSING PHRASE
profile_button_primary_backgroundbackground  #2989CC Profile Button Primary Background Background for button in profile content area
profile_button_secondary_backgroundbackground  #BFC5C9 Profile Secondary Button Background Background for button in profile content area
profile_content_backgroundbackground  #FFFFFF Profile Content Background MISSING PHRASE
profile_content_bordercolor  #C8CCCE Profile Content Border Color MISSING PHRASE
profile_content_divider_bordercolor  #B7BCBE MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
profile_content_fontfont N/A MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
profile_content_linktextcolor  #2379B5 Profile Content Link Text Color MISSING PHRASE
profile_content_primarytextcolor  #252C2F Profile Content Primary Text Color MISSING PHRASE
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profile_section_backgroundbackground  #F4F4F4 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
profile_section_borderborder  #CACED2 Profile section border MISSING PHRASE
profile_section_fontfont N/A MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
profile_section_text_colorcolor N/Ainherit MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
profile_settings_tab_highlightborder  #2379B5 User settings tab highlight Controls the border width, style, and color for the tabs in the user settings.
profile_userpanel_fontfont N/A Profile Userpanel Font Controls the font face, size, and style for the profile user panel.
profile_userpanel_linkcolorcolor  #2989CC MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
profile_userpanel_textcolorcolor  #09161b Profile User Panel Text Color MISSING PHRASE
search_result_highlight_colorcolor  #FEF55A MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
section_divider_colorcolor  #C8CCCE MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
side_nav_avatar_bordercolor  #C8CCCE MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
side_nav_backgroundbackground  #F4F4F4 Side Nav Background Controls the background color and image for the sidebar navigation area.
side_nav_background_activebackground  #D3D7DA Side Nav Background Active Controls the background color and image for the currently selected item in the sidebar navigation area.
side_nav_background_hoverbackground  #E4E6E7 Side Nav Background Hover Controls the background color and image for the sidebar navigation area when the mouse is over it.
side_nav_borderborder  #C8CCCE Side Nav Border Controls the border width, style, and color for the sidebar navigation area.
side_nav_item_border_bottomborder  #CACFD3 Side Nav Item Border Bottom Controls the border width, style, and color for the bottom of each sidebar navigation item.
side_nav_item_border_topborder  #FFFFFF Side Nav Item Border Top Controls the border width, style, and color for the top of each sidebar navigation item.
side_nav_number_messages_colorcolor  #0093D2 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
side_nav_text_colorcolor  #09161B Side Nav Text Color Controls the text color for sidebar navigation items.
side_nav_text_color_activecolor  #09161B Side Nav Text Color Active Controls the text color for currently selected sidebar navigation items.
side_nav_text_color_hovercolor  #09161B Side Nav Text Color Hover Controls the text color for sidebar navigation items when the mouse is over them.
slideshow_image_backgroundbackground  #000000 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
spacing_margin_lmargin N/A Large Margin Helper Sets margin spacing for large margin helper css class.
spacing_margin_mmargin N/A Medium Margin Helper Sets margin spacing for medium margin helper css class.
spacing_margin_smargin N/A Small Margin Helper Sets margin spacing for small margin helper css class.
spacing_margin_xlmargin N/A Extra Large Margin Helper Sets margin spacing for extra large margin helper css class.
spacing_margin_xsmargin N/A Extra Small Margin Helper Sets margin spacing for extra small margin helper css class.
spacing_margin_xxlmargin N/A XXL Margin Helper Sets margin spacing for extra extra large margin helper css class.
spacing_padding_lpadding N/A Large Padding Helper Sets padding spacing for large padding helper css class.
spacing_padding_mpadding N/A Medium Padding Helper Sets padding spacing for medium padding helper css class.
spacing_padding_spadding N/A Small Padding Helper Sets padding spacing for small padding helper css class.
spacing_padding_xlpadding N/A Extra Large Padding Helper Sets padding spacing for extra large padding helper css class.
spacing_padding_xspadding N/A Extra Small Padding Helper Sets padding spacing for extra small padding helper css class.
spacing_padding_xxlpadding N/A XXL Padding Helper Sets padding spacing for extra extra large padding helper css class.
sticky_topic_background_colorcolor  #FFFFE7 Sticky topic background color Controls the background color of sticky topics
thread_reply_backgroundbackground  #FFFFFF MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
thread_starter_backgroundbackground  #EBF4F9 MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
thread_view_avatar_borderborder  #FFFFFF Thread View Avatar Border Controls the border width, style, and color for avatars in thread view.
time_stamp_colorcolor  #6A6A6A MISSING PHRASE MISSING PHRASE
titleimageurl N/A Title Image This is your logo or title image. Set to the path of the logo you want to use.
titleimage_paddingpadding N/A Title Image Padding Controls the padding for the title image (logo)
toolbar_backgroundbackground  #E4E6E7 Toolbar Background Controls the background color and image for toolbars.
toolbar_borderborder  #C9CED2 Toolbar Border Controls the border width, style, and color for toolbars.
toolbar_button_borderborder  #AEB3B6 Toolbar Button Border Controls the border width, style, and color for the buttons in toolbars.
toolbar_dropdown_background_gradient_endbackground  #EFF3F4 Toolbar Dropdown Background Gradient End Controls the gradient end background color in toolbar dropdown menus.
toolbar_dropdown_background_gradient_startbackground  #FFFFFF Toolbar Dropdown Background Gradient Start Controls the gradient start background color in toolbar dropdown menus.
toolbar_dropdown_borderborder  #C9CED2 Toolbar Dropdown Border Controls the border width, style, and color for the dropdown menus in toolbars.
toolbar_dropdown_divider_colorcolor  #9BA3A9 Toolbar Dropdown Divider Color Controls the divider color in the dropdown menus in toolbars.
toolbar_dropdown_text_colorcolor  #09161B Toolbar Dropdown Text Color Controls the text color for the dropdown menus in toolbars.
toolbar_dropdown_text_color_activecolor  #0091C1 Toolbar Dropdown Text Color Active Controls the text color for text in currently selected menu items in toolbars.
toolbar_form_field_backgroundbackground  #FFFFFF Toolbar Form Field Background Controls the background color and image for the form fields in toolbars.
toolbar_form_field_borderborder  #AEB3B6 Toolbar Form Field Border Controls the border width, style, and color for the form fields in toolbars.
toolbar_form_field_placeholder_text_colorcolor  #656A6D Toolbar Form Field Placeholder Text Color Controls the text color for the placeholder text in the form fields in toolbars.
toolbar_text_colorcolor  #09161B Toolbar Text Color Controls the text color for text in toolbars.
tooltip_signature_backgroundbackground  #FFFFFF Tooltip signature background Controls the background of the signature tooltip
tooltip_signature_borderborder  #C8CCCE Tooltip Signature Border Controls the border width, style, and color for signature tooltips.
topic_title_colorcolor  #2379B5 Topic Title Color MISSING PHRASE
wrapper_backgroundbackground  #FFFFFF Wrapper Background Controls the background color and image for the content wrapper (everything between the header and the footer).
wrapper_max_widthsize N/A Wrapper Max Width Controls the maximum width for the site, including the header and footer.
wrapper_min_widthsize N/A Wrapper Min Width Controls the minimum width for the site, including the header and footer.
wrapper_widthsize N/A Wrapper Width Controls the width for the site, including the header and footer.