Adding and Editing A Usergroup 
Path to Add New Usergroup: Usergroups > Add New Usergroup

Path to Edit Usergroup: Usergroups > Usergroup Manager > Edit Usergroup
You must click Save for changes to take effect.
<<<Insert screenshot of the Add New Usergroup page>>>

You add a new usergroup on the Add New Usergroup page. If you are editing a usergroup, the form is already filled out. The only difference between the add and edit pages is that, when adding a new group, you have the ability to create a usergroup based on an existing usergroup.

Create Usergroup Based Off Of Usergroup

If you want to create the new usergroup based on an existing usergroup, select it from the picklist.

<<<Insert screenshot of the Create Usergroup Based off of Usergroup page>>>

If you use this option, all fields are populated with the values specified for the selected usergroup. Change whatever fields you want to and submit.

Default Channel Permissions

If you use this option, all fields are populated with the values specified for the selected channel. Change whatever fields you want to and submit.

Add New Usergroup

Title of the new usergroup.

Description of the new usergroup.

User Title
Use this to override the default ladder of user titles.

Username HTML Markup
Specify an opening and closing HTML tag with which to display the names of users in this group. This applies to names that appear on Logged-in Users, Who's Online, Users Browsing Channel, Users Browsing Thread, Posts, Member List etc.

The first field is the opening tag. The second field is the closing tag.

Password Expiry
Specify the number of days after which users’ passwords expire and they are required to change them.

Password History
If you specify x days here, users are not allowed to change their password to a string they have used in the past x days.

This setting has no effect if password expiry is set to 0 days

Public Group Settings

Public (Joinable) Custom Usergroups (Yes/No)
If this option is enabled, users are able to request membership to this group from their User CP. Join requests are queued up in the Usergroup Manager where you can handle them all at once.

Can override primary group title/markup (Yes/No)
Enable this option if you use this group as a member (secondary) group and you want group members to have this group's user title and username markup instead of the user title and username markup from their primary group.

Channel Viewing Permissions

Can View Channel (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can view a channel.

Can View Thread Content (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can view the content of threads.

Can View Others' Threads (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can view other user's threads.

Can Use Email to Friend (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can send content in this channel to a friend via email.

Can Download Attachments (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can download attachments.

Can See Deletion Notices (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can see deletion notices.

Can See Thumbnails (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can see thumbnails.

Can Configure Channel (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can configure a channel.

Channel Searching Permissions

Can Search Channels (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can run searches.

Can Use Boolean Search (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can user Boolean option in searches.

Post / Thread Permissions

Can Post Threads (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can post threads.

Can Reply to Own Threads (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can reply to their own threads.

Can Reply to Others' Threads (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can reply to other user's threads.

Can Delete Own Posts (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can delete their own posts.

Can Delete Own Threads (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can deleter their own threads.

Can Open / Close Own Threads (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can open or close threads.

Can Move Own Threads (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can move threads.
Can Rate Threads (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can rate threads.

Follow Channel Moderation Rules (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the posts members of this usergroup makes are moderated. Selecting Yes will enable the functionality.

Can Tag Own Threads (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can tag their own threads.

Can Tag Others' Threads (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can tag other user's threads.

Can Delete Tags on Own Threads (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can remove tags from their own threads.

Can Use HTML (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can use HTML in their threads and replies.

Can Publish (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can publish article.

Can Create Blog (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can create blogs.

Can Create Tags (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can create tags.

”Can Upload Attachments” Permissions

Can Upload Attachments (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can upload attachments.

Space (in bytes) that a user's total attachment usage may consume (default: 1000000)
Set to 0 to not have a limit.
This controls how many bytes an attachment can have. Users in this usergroup may not have an attachment that exceeds the byte limit entered.

Poll Permissions

Can Can Post Polls (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can create post polls.

Can Vote on Polls (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can vote in polls.

Private Message Permissions

Maximum Stored Messages: (default: 0)
This controls the maximum number of stored messages this usegroup can have.

Can Use Message Tracking (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can request a read receipt for their private messages.

Can Deny Private Message Read Receipt Request (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can deny a private message read receipt.

Can Ignore Quota (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can send PMs to users who have reached their Maximum Stored Messages.

Maximum Recipients to Send PMs at a time: (default: 5)
This controls the maximum number of recipients a user can Private Message.

For performance reasons, do not set this too high.

Set to 0 to allow unlimited recipients.

Message Throttle Quantity
This limits the number of messages the user can send within the Throttle Check Period.

The Throttle Check Period is defined in the global options.

Set this to 0 to disable throttling for this usergroup.

”Can View Calendar” Permissions

Can View Calendar (Yes/No)
This group must also have permission to view a specific calendar in order to view that calendar.

Can Post Events (Yes/No)
This group must also have permission to post events on a specific calendar if they are to post events on it.

Can Edit Own Events (Yes/No)
This group must also have permission to edit their own events on a specific calendar if they are to have permission to do so.

Can Delete Own Events (Yes/No)
This group must also have permission to delete their events on a specific calendar if they are to have permission to do so.

Can View Others' Events (Yes/No)
This group must also have permission to view other people's events on a specific calendar if they are to have permission to do so.

Posted Events are Not Moderated (Yes/No)
Event moderation can be enabled for an entire calendar by editing that calendar's settings. This permission allows you to make an exception for a specific usergroup.

Who’s Online Permissions

Can View Who's Online (Yes/No)
This permission allows members of this group to view the online.php page. This page shows a detailed list of currently active users, their locations, etc. This permission applies only to online.php, not the Currently Active Users list..

Reported locations do take channel permissions into consideration. For example, if a user in the online list is viewing a channel that the current logged in user doesn't have access to, online.php will only report that they are viewing a channel and not give the name of the channel.

Who's online must be enabled in your vBulletin options for this permission to have any effect. There are several Who's online settings on that page in your vBulletin options.

Can View IP Addresses (Yes/No)
This permission allows members of this group to view the IP addresses of currently logged in users on the online.php page.

Who's online must be enabled in your vBulletin options for this permission to have any effect. The Can View Who's Online permission above must also be enabled.

Can View Detailed Location Info for Users (Yes/No)
Allows the user to see detailed information for some channel actions. For example, if the subject is sending a private message, the user will be able to see who it is being sent to. If the subject is viewing the profile of a user, the user will be able to see who it is.

Can View Detailed Location Info of Users Who Visit Bad / No Permission Locations (Yes/No)
With this permission disabled, when a subject visits an unknown location or a location they don't have permission to visit, the user will see the subject as viewing the site home page.

Can view actual location of user (filepath/url). (Yes/No)
If this permission is enabled then members of this group will see a question mark icon next to locations on the online.php page. They can mouse over the image to see the file path of the page each user is visiting.

Who's online must be enabled in your vBulletin options for this permission to have any effect. The Can View Who's Online permission above must also be enabled.

Administrator Permissions

Can Moderate All Channels (is Super Moderator) (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can moderate all channels.

Can Access Control Panel (is Administrator) (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can access the AdminCP.

General Permissions

Can View Member Info (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can view other user's profiles.

Can Edit Own Profile (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can edit their own profile.

Can Set Self to Invisible Mode (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can set themselves to invisible upon logging in.

Can 'See' Users Who Have Chosen to be Invisible While Online (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can see users who have chosen the go into invisible mode upon logging in.

Can Use Custom Title (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can use custom titles.

Can View Others' Profile Pictures (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can view other user's profile pictures.

Can View Private Custom Fields (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can view private custom fields.

Can Email Members (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can email other users.

Can Use Friends List (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can add friends to their account.

Show edited by note on edited messages? (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not an "edited by" note will appear in posts edited by members of this usergroup.

User Note Permissions

Can View User Notes About Others (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can view user notes posted for other users.

Can Manage User Notes About Self (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can manage user notes left for them.

User Notes Can Be Posted About This Group (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not notes can be posted about this usegroup.

Can View User Notes About Self (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can view notes posted about themselves.

Can Manage User Notes About Others (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can manage user notes left for others.

Can Post User Notes About Self (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can post notes about themselves.

Can Post User Notes About Others (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can post user notes about others.

Can Manage Own User Notes (Yes/No)
Notes that this user has posted, for self or others. This overrides the above manage permissions, if enabled.

Picture Uploading Permissions

Can Upload Profile Pictures (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can upload a profile picture.

Can Upload Animated Profile Picture (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can upload an animated profile picture.

Profile Picture Maximum Width (pixels) (default: 100)
This controls the maximum width (in pixels) of this usergroup's profile pictures.

Profile Picture Maximum Height (pixels) (default: 100)
This controls the maximum height (in pixels) of this usegroup's profile pictures.

Profile Picture Maximum File Size (bytes) (default: 25000)
(1KB = 1024 bytes)
This controls the maximum file size of this usegroup's profile pictures.

Can Upload Custom Avatars (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can upload avatars.

Can Upload Animated Avatar (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can upload animated avatars.

Custom Avatar Maximum Width (pixels) (default: 50)
This controls the maximum width (in pixels) of this usergroup's avatars.

Custom Avatar Maximum Height (pixels) (default: 50)
This controls the maximum height (in pixels) of this usergroup's avatars.

Custom Avatar Maximum File Size (bytes) (default: 20000)
(1KB = 1024 bytes)
This controls the maximum file size of this usegroup's avatars.

Can Upload Images for Signature (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can upload images for their signatures.

Can Upload Animated GIF for Signature (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can upload animated gifs for their signatures.

Signature Image Maximum Width (pixels)
Specify 0 for no limit.
This controls the maximum width (in pixels) of a signature image.

Signature Image Maximum Height (pixels)
Specify 0 for no limit.
This controls the maximum height (in pixels) of a signature image.

Signature Image Maximum Filesize (bytes)
(1KB = 1024 bytes)
This controls the maximum file size of a signature image.

Specify 0 for no limit.

Signature Permissions

Can Use Signatures (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can create a signature.

Maximum Characters in Signature Including BB Code Markup
Maximum number of characters that a user in this group may use in his or her signature, including markup code.

Maximum Characters in Signature Excluding BB Code Markup
This controls the maximum number of characters in a signature, excluding BB Code markups.

Maximum Lines in Signature
This is the maximum number of lines users of this group may have in their signatures. Unfortunately, due to browser and style variations, this is not an exact science and should only be used as a rough guide.

Soft linewrapping can cause one contiguous string of text to be counted as multiple lines. The number of characters that are allowed before this text is treated as multiple lines is controlled by the Signature Soft-Linebreak Character Limit option. Text that is not the default size is scaled to count as more or less characters than normal.

Allow BB Code (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can use BBCode in their signatures.

Allow Basic BB Code (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can use basic BBCode in their signatures such as bold, italic and underline.

Allow Color BB Code (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can use color BBCode in their signatures.

Allow Size BB Code (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can use size BBCode in their signatures.

Maximum Value of x for [SIZE=x] BB Code (default: 7)
This controls the maximum font size of the size BBCode in a signature.

Allow Font BB Code (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can use font BBCode in their signatures.

Allow Alignment BB Code (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can use alignment BBCode in their signatures.

Allow List BB Code (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can use list BBCode in their signatures.

Allow Link BB Code (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can use link BBCode in their signatures.

Allow Code BB Code (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can use the code BBCode in their signatures.

Allow PHP BB Code (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can PHP BBCode in their signatures.

Allow HTML BB Code (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can use HTML BBCode in their signatures.

Allow Quote BB Code (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can user quote BBCode in their signatures.

Allow Image BB Code (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can use image BBCode in their signatures.

Maximum Number of Images/Videos in Signature
Maximum number of images and videos that users in this group may use in their signatures. This includes video tags, img tags, sigpic tags (uploaded pictures), and smilies.

Specify 0 for no limit.

Allow Smilies (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can user smilies in their signature.

Allow HTML (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can user HTML in their signatures.

User Reputation Permissions

Can See Who Left User Ratings (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can see who left them user ratings.

Can Use Reputation (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can user reputation.

Can Hide Reputation from Others (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can hide their reputation from other users.

Can Leave Negative Reputation (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can leave negative reputation for other users.

User Infraction Permissions

Can Give Infractions to Others (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can give infractions to other users.

Can See Others' Infraction Level (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can see other user's infraction levels.

Can Give Arbitrary Value Infractions (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can give other users arbitrary value infractions. The user must also have the Can Give Infractions to Others permission.

Can Reverse Infractions (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can reverse infractions.

User Album Permissions

Can Have Album and Upload Pictures (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can have an album and upload pictures.

Can View Albums (Yes/No)
Users without this permission can still see picture in public and profile album if they know the exact URL.

Follow Picture Moderation Rules (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not pictures that members of this usergroup goes in to the moderation queue.

Album Picture Maximum Width (pixels)
This controls the album picture's maximum width in pixels.

Album Picture Maximum Height (pixels)
This controls the album picture's maximum height in pixels.

Maximum Number of Album Pictures
This controls the maximum number of pictures in an album.

Maximum Total File Size of Album Pictures (bytes)
(1KB = 1024 bytes)
This controls the maximum file size for an album picture.

Can Comment on Pictures (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can comment on a picture.

Can Edit Own Picture Comments (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can edit their own comments on pictures.

Can Delete Own Picture Comments (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can delete comments made on their pictures.

Can Manage Comments on Own Pictures (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can manage comments on their own pictures.

Follow Picture Comment Moderation Rules (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not comments left by this usergroup on pictures goes through the moderation queue.

Profile Customization Permissions

Can Edit Font Family (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can edit existing font families.

Can Edit Font Size (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can edit font sizes.

Can Edit Colors (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can edit the colors.
Includes font and background colors.

Can Edit Background Images (Yes/No)
Users must have user album permissions as well.

Can Edit Borders (Yes/No)
Includes border style, color, and width.

Can Edit Profile Privacy (Yes/No)
Whether or not the user can hide blocks on his or her profile page from other users.

Can Customize Profile (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can customize their profile.

”Viewable on Show Groups” Permissions

Viewable on Show Groups (Yes/No)
Whether or not to show members of this group on the View Channel Leaders page.

Birthdays Viewable (Yes/No)
Whether or not the birthdays of users in this group are displayed on the calendar and channel home pages.

Viewable on the Memberlist (Yes/No)
Whether or not users in this group appear on the member list.

Allow Users to have Member Groups (Yes/No)
Whether or not permissions from the user's member (secondary) user group memberships are inherited.

This Usergroup is not a 'Banned' Group (Yes/No)
Setting this to No causes the group to be treated as a banned group, which prevents the sending of email notifications, show a banned error message on the permission error pages, and other unspecified behaviors.

Require Human Verification on Configured Actions (Yes/No)
Users have to pass human verification for the configured Human Verified Actions.

Visitor Message Permissions

Can Post Visitor Messages to Own Profile (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can post visitor messages to their own profile.

Can Post Visitor Messages to Others' Profile (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can post visitor messages to another user's profile.

Can Edit Own Visitor Messages (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can edit visitor messages they've created.

Can Delete Own Visitor Messages (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can delete visitor messages they created.

Can Manage Messages within Own Profile (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can manage messages on their own profiles.

Follow Visitor Message Moderation Rules (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not a visitor message made by a member of this usergroup is put in the moderation queue. If set to No, messages are always placed into the moderation queue.

Groups Permissions

Can Join Groups (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can join groups.

Can Create Groups (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can create groups.

Maximum Created Groups (Yes/No)
Number of groups the user can have at any one time.

Can Manage Own Groups (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can manager their own group.

Can Edit Own Groups (Yes/No)
If the only member of the group is the owner, he or she will be able to edit the group's information regardless of this setting.

Can Delete Own Groups (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can delete a group they own.

Can View Groups (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can view groups.

Can Post Messages in Groups (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can post a message in a group.

Can Always Post Messages (Yes/No)
If enabled, the user will also be able to view private and invite only groups.

Can Manage Own Messages (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can manage a post they make to a group.

Can Create New Discussions in Groups (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can create a new discussion in a group.

Can Always Create Discussions (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can always create discussions. If enabled, the user will also be able to view private and invite only groups.

Can Limit Discussions in Own Groups to the Group Owner (Yes/No)
If enabled, the user can configure his or her groups so only the user can create new discussions.

Can Manage Own Discussions (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can manage their own group permissions.

Follow Group Message Moderation Rules (Yes/No)
If set to No, messages are always placed into the moderation queue.

Can Upload Group Icons (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can upload a group icon.

Can Upload Animated Group Icons (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can upload an animated gif group icon.

Maximum File Size of Group Icons (bytes) (Yes/No)
Group image icons are always limited to 200px by 200px.

Can Upload Pictures (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not the members of this usergroup can upload pictures to the group.

Follow Picture Moderation Rules (Yes/No)
This controls whether or not a picture uploaded by a member in this group is put in the moderation queue.
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